
Veysel Karani
Uways Al-Qarani
Urumda acemde aşık olduğum
In Byzantium, in Persia, I fell in love with,
Hak peygamber sevdi ve dostum dedi
The Prophet of Hakk loved Him and called Him His friend,
Anasından doğup dünyaya geldi
He came into this world born from His mother,
Resulün hırkasını tacını giydi
The Prophetic cloak His honoured crown,
Erenler önünde kemer belinde
Heavenly hosts in front of Him, a belt across His waist,
Veys Sultan derler hak divanında
They call him the Uwaysi Sultan in the Divine Court,
Sabah namazını kılıp giderdi
He would pray Fajr and then go,
Anın işi güçü deve güderdi
All day He would be herding camels,
Bin deveyi bir akceye güderdi
He would herd thousands of camels for just one dirham,
Develer birleşince tevhid ederdi
The camels declare Tawhid around Him,
Elinde asası hurma dalından
His cane, from the branch of a date tree,
Asla hata gelmez onun dilinden
No harm would come to anyone from His tongue,
Yastığı taş idi döşeği postu
His pillow was a stone, His bed made of hide,
Hakkın sevgilisi habibin dostu
The Beloved of Hakk, the friend of the Beloved,
Anasından destur aldı durmadı,
He took permission from His mother and began to walk,
Geldi o Resulü evde bulmadı
He came to the Prophet’s house but did not find Him,
Peygamber mescidden evine geldi
The Prophet came home from the Masjid,
Sordu Aişe’ye eve kim geldi
“Who came to the house,” He asked Aisha,
Yunus eydür gelin biz de varalım
Come now Yunus let us be there too,
Hak nasip eylesin komşu olalım
May Allah give us the blessing of being His neighbors,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Melekler altına kanadın serdi
Angels came and spread their wings over Him,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Ak nurdan beni var o sağ elinde
He has a mark of white Noor on His hand,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Gizlice Rabbine niyaz ederdi
He would supplicate to His Lord hidden,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Onun da nısfını zekat ederdi
Then give half of it to charity,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Eyninde hırkası deve yününden
His clothes, a cloak made of camel wool,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Cennetlik eylemek ümmeti kastı
His intention to make the Ummat enter the Garden,
Yemen illerine Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Kâbe yollarını geçti boyladı
He never stopped as He passed the Kaaba,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Veysin nurunu kapıda gördü
And saw the white light of Uwais upon His door,
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.
Ayağın tozuna yüzler sürelim
Let’s rub the dust of His feet on our faces,
Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani
In the lands of Yemen, Uways Al-Qarani.