Matters Of Love
The Nakshibendi Tarikat is the Most Distinguished of the Sufi Paths to Allah. This distinction comes from its nisbat (spiritual lineage) coming through the Closest Friend of Prophet Muhammad (AS), Hazrat Abu Bakr el-Siddiq.
Shaykh Lokman Efendi Hz – Jumma Khutba – LOVE OF THE HABIB (AS) – 4 Rajab 1443
02/08/2022 / ONLINE EVENT
Shaykh Lokman Efendi Hz – Jumma Khutba – Travel With The Guide – 24 Rajab 1443
02/26/2022 / ONLINE EVENT
What makes it easy for Prophet & Ahlul Beyt to sacrifice, and difficult for us?
10/06/2019 / ONLINE EVENT
What is the lesson to be taken from Laila and Majnu? What is the true story?
03/30/2019 / ONLINE EVENT